Sunday, April 4, 2010

Read if you wanna

I've been missing some part of my past. not all just some. the good times and sometimes the bad times too. it's like time's growing faster than me. but it's actually just the same. have you ever dream an impossible dream? i have. but it's not really a dream. it's more like a daydream. which is kinda impossible but it could happen because it's not impossible as in flying or i could be invisible or any of those heroes in the movies. it's just that, some people in the past. some don't contact me anymore but some which is by email we contact each other a lot. i just miss those times. and sometimes i wonder if i could time travel only to look at my past and look at the most enjoyable and unforgettable moments of my life. with my family, my friends, and my cousin and all. it'd be fun.

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